Having best practices and a good process is not enough if your stakeholders cannot understand how to use these practices in their decision-making processes. 如果您的项目投资人不能理解,怎样在决策制定过程中使用最佳的操作手段以及好的过程,那么仅仅拥有它们就并不足够。
Scorecards provide the ability to add a measurable qualitative perspective to portfolio decision-making processes. 在作出项目组合决定的过程中,记分卡可以提供可定性分析的依据。
Let us strengthen our efforts to include young people in policies, programmes and decision-making processes that benefit their futures and ours. 让我们加强努力,让年轻人参与有利于他们的未来和我们的未来的政策、方案和决策进程。
'We now have governance structures and working practices in place which address these risks, including supply chain threats to the telecommunications infrastructure specifically, and escalation of decision-making processes as necessary.' a spokesman for the government said. 英国政府的一名发言人说:我们现在有相应的管理结构和具体的工作方式来应对这些风险,包括电信基础设施特有的供应链威胁;我们的决策程序也进行了必要的升级。
Third, selected decision-making processes in Europe must be removed from the national political sphere. 第三,欧洲一些高级别的决策程序必须与各国国家政治脱离关系。
You'll find out how to incorporate good human interface consideration with your design and decision-making processes and how to involve users throughout the design process. 这个产品具有直观的、吸引人的人性化界面。你还会学习如何将好的用户界面设计思想融合到你的设计当中和决策过程当中;
With the advent of information society and knowledge-based economy, information dissemination and knowledge sharing is becoming more and more important in the organizational decision-making processes. 随着信息时代和知识经济时代的到来,信息的传递和知识的共享问题在决策中的地位日益重要。
The market is almost too fast for the mostly lengthy decision-making processes of institutional investors like a pension fund. 对于养老基金等机构投资者大多漫长的决策程序而言,这个市场简直太快了。
The structure and validity of the MDMP must also be examined as the metric to which optional decision-making processes are compared. 军事决策程序MDMP的结构和有效性同样要作为可选的决策程序相对比的衡量标准来检验。
Disclosure of information on private interests increases the transparency of decision-making processes, and thereby lays the foundations for the accountability of office holders for their actions. 有关私人利益的信息的公开能增加官员决策过程的透明度,为政府官员承担他们的责任打下基础。
CAP Risk Management helps physicians improve their focus on physician-patient communication, informed patient decision-making processes, complaint management and patient advocacy. CAP风险管理帮助医师改进他们在医患沟通中的焦点问题,告知患者作出决策的程序,投诉管理和患者建议。
That is why corporate leadership teams need to make sure they have robust decision-making processes in place, and are not merely being carried away by the hype surrounding a hot new destination. 这就是公司领导团队需要确保具有强大的决策流程的原因,否则面对全新热门投资目的地的大肆宣传会迷失方向。
Institutional investors shall play a role in the appointment of company directors, the compensation and supervision of management and major decision-making processes. 机构投资者应在公司董事选任、经营者激励与监督、重大事项决策等方面发挥作用。
We, adults, should take our responsibility to involve them in the planning and decision-making processes more seriously, so that they have a chance to influence the present and shape the future. 更重要的是成年人应该考虑我们有责任让他们参与规划和决策过程,使他们有机会影响当前和塑造未来。
If people are not aware of their own decision-making processes, how can marketers best influence them? 如果人们意识不到自己的决策过程,那么,营销人员如何才能最好地影响他们呢?
Analysis and modeling of statistical distributions of indoor radon concentration from data valorization to mapping and simulations are critical issues for real decision-making processes. 本研究经由统计分析及模式化室内氡气浓度,使资料绘图及模拟作为真正决策时之依据。
They complain in particular that decision-making processes are long-winded and that some of Nomura's homegrown bankers are second-grade. 他们抱怨最多的是,决策过程冗长以及野村的一些本土银行家水平欠佳。
Effective Decision Making: The still rising number of people involved in IT-related decisions provides a good reason to have effective decision-making processes in place. 有效地决策:参与IT相关决策的人数还在不断上升,这给建立一个有效的决策流程提供了非常好的理由。
Are most helpful in supporting unstructured decision-making processes. 是最有帮助的支持非结构化决策过程。
The phrase has now entered the vocabulary, referring to what happens to society when too much change happens in too short a time, when the ensuing confusion causes normal decision-making processes to break down. 这个词语现在已经进入了词汇表,意思是在非常短的时间内社会发生巨变时,不断的困惑打断了人们正常做决定的过程时,将会发生的事情。
As a flexible, medium-sized company with flat structures and short decision-making processes, we always focus on the application in practice. 作为一个拥有高效决策,高速发展的中型公司,我们始终注重于在实践中的应用。
This research is the springboard of brand extension principles and decision-making processes. 这个问题成为研究品牌延伸原理和决策的基本出发点。
Markov Decision Process which is based on the deterministic dynamic planning and the Markov Process, is a theoretic tool for the researches on the optimizing problems of the multistage decision-making processes in the stochastic environment. 马尔可夫决策过程是确定性动态规划和马尔可夫过程结合的产物,是研究随机环境下多阶段决策过程优化问题的理论工具。
Data warehouses play a central role in current Decision Support Systems because they provide crucial business information to improve strategic decision-making processes. 数据仓库技术在决策支持系统中发挥着关键的作用,它对决策支持系统提供一些商业信息,从而提高策能力。
This study from the purpose of making a decision, decision of contents, decision-making processes, decision-making effect four aspects analysis the process of decision-making in the reform of higher education of local government. 地方政府对高校的改革和治理往往通过政府决策来完成。本研究从决策的目的、决策的内容、决策的程序、决策的效果四个方面来分析地方政府高等教育改革决策的过程。
Digital shipbuilding is based on the integration of knowledge in shipbuilding process, characterized by digital modeling simulation and optimization, and applies information technology to ships 'development, design, manufacture, operation, management and decision-making processes. 数字造船以造船过程的知识融合为基础,以数字化建模仿真与优化为特征,将信息技术全面应用于船舶产品的开发、设计、制造、经营、管理和决策的全过程。
It is common between the two countries recognized principles, norms, rules and decision-making processes at the core. 它以两国共同认可的原则、规范、规则和决策程序为核心。
As a branch of behavioral economics, behavioral finance research that people cognition, emotion, attitude and a series of psychological characteristics in the investment decision-making processes and non-validity of the market. 作为行为经济学的一个分支,行为金融学研究了人们在投资决策过程中认知、感情、态度等一系列心理特征,以及由此而引发的市场非有效性。
Three matters are focused in modern finance studies. These are rationalities of traders and their decision-making processes and financial market mechanism. 投资者的行为理性、决策过程和金融市场的运行机制问题是现代金融投资学研究的重要领域。
At first, the decision-making processes are analyzed separately in decentralized decision mode and centralized decision mode, and in a supply chain that is composed of a manufacturer and a distributor. 首先分析了在一个由制造商和分销商组成的两阶供应链中,在分散决策和集中决策两种模式下的决策过程。